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Physical bodies and intelligent bodies

Simple and Compound Elections to an unique intelligence unit



We call Physical body to that body formed by "i" units, the same as we described in the Universe of Decisions. The "i" units react to the external stimulus automatically and not after an elaboration of the stimulus process. The answer of a Physical body to a stimulus (which implies the identical ambient conditions) is always the same. That's why we can measure those answers and ordinate then as the Conventional Physics does.


Let's remember the intelligent body definition:

We understand as an "intelligent body" a group of Intelligence Units that make an election E in a combined way affecting this and all the units that compose that body, regardless of the individual choice taken by each o­ne of then.

As The Choice of an Intelligence Unit doesn't have reason to be always the same, the measurements we can make o­n the Intelligent Bodies are not uniform and would be very difficult to ordain as the Classic Physics does. Nevertheless, the mathematics offers us many other tools to understand the Emotions Universe.

As each Intelligence Unit is formed by "i" Units, an Intelligent Body is also a Physical Body. Later o­n we'll see, when we study the types of "i" units that form an Intelligent Body, that those bodies can't be measured according to Conventional Physics Laws and we're going to explain why, even if they fulfill all their rules.

Let's remember also the Intelligence Unit definition:

We define Intelligence Unit as the smallest amount of energy with the capacity to make an election.

As we saw in the explanation (1) when we define the Intelligence Units , they are formed by combinations of particles "i" that we studied in the Decisions Universe and that they are those that form the physical Universe that we know and for which the Physics has developed a deep study of many of its aspects. They can exist, and in fact it should therefore be accordingly to which we observed in the Real Universe, different "i" particle combinations that o­nce grouped in a different way made different types of Intelligence Units , with different values of minimum energy amount and that are capable of making choices to different stimulus or give different answers to the same stimulus. So, in general, an Intelligent Body C would be formed by m (0) units (0), m (1) units (1), m (2) units (2),m(n) units (n).

The Intelligence of this Intelligent Body would be::

m(0), m(1), m(2)...m(n) being the number of Intelligence Units g of each type that they independently choose in the axes E(0),E(1),E(2)...E(n) possible, the Election of that o­ne Intelligent Body will be:


In case an Intelligence Unit would be able to chose through many different stimuli E(0),E(1),E(2)... E(n), the result of its election E will be equivalent to the o­ne of an Intelligent Body formed by (0), (1), (2),... (n) ) imaginary Intelligence Units choosing each o­ne of them as opposed to a single different stimulus E(0),E(1),E(2)... E(n) .


An Intelligent Body formed by (0), (1), (2),... (n) Intelligence Unit that elect with an unique stimuli E as is equivalent to an unique Intelligence Unit whose answer to that stimuli E is the sum of the answers of the g(0), g(1), g(2),... g(n) Intelligence Units that compose it.

We can accept by the mathematical developments that an Intelligence Unit is able to chose to an unique class of stimulus and therefore its position in our axes of coordinates is defined by three values e(a), e(b), e(c) in an unique system of axes between (0),(1),(2)...(n) possible.



We will understand by simple election as that o­ne that a single intelligence unit makes to an unique external stimulus. A compound election will be that o­ne that a single intelligence unit makes to several simultaneous stimuli. The compound elections imply to choosing between several different proposals.(1) (2) y (3)


  1. Obviously, an intelligence unit does not respond to all the stimuli. When that happens, it's because the amount of answers in the three possible directions is the same in o­ne sense and in another.
  2. An intelligence unit does not answer o­nly to the stimuli of intelligence unit , but responds to any type of stimulus it is of the units like of the units "i" that we studied in the Universe of the Decisions. The difference of an intelligence unit o­n a unit "i" it is that the intelligence unit processes the stimuli and chooses based o­n a process, whereas the units "i" answer automatically to the stimuli, that in Universe of the Decisions we called "decision". As we will see later, the units are formed as well by units "i" that have automatic answers to certain stimuli.
  3. The election of a unit of intelligence or an intelligent body might be contrary to the automatic decision of the units "i" that they compose. The question of whether automatic answers exist, upon which an intelligence unit cannot choose its answer is simply the automatic answer of the units "i" that they compose, it's a subject that we will further see, ahead. A practical example would be the following question: Can it, and if it is thus, how, an intelligence unit vary an answer to the gravitational field of the units "i" that they surround in respect to the units "i" that they form?